Hi everyone I have a beautiful strategy to get three stars on townhall 9 bases. It would be very helpful for you guys to gain Clan XP as we get double Clan XP till April 15,2015 as Clan Wars complete it's first anniversary.
So, here we go. The army composition could be like 2 golems, 2 pekkas ,6 hogs, wizards and rest of the troop numbers are of your choice. you can even carry witches. 2 heal, 2 rage are better for low lvl walls orelse carry 2 heal, 1 rage and 1 jump spell for high lvl walls.
First and foremost thing is to chose the side you wanna attack. Prefer the side on which queen is lured out easily, You may or may not follow this. Drop two golems and sweep the buildings with wizzies. Now drop pekkas, heroes and other troops except the hogs and few archers. Now once inside troops will kill queen and start for TH mostly. When the center is about to get hot release hogs from both the sides. 6 from on side and 6 cc hogs from other. Then will reap you a 3 star victory. if at all you are TH8 and took town hall and short of 50 % the use saved archers on unprotected buildings.
Do try this strategy and let me know if you made 3 stars. The following war attacks show how this strategy works.
In the above video only queen was used
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